Late Pastor Thangamony

Late Pastor Thangamony, minister of the glorious gospel of Christ Jesus was born in Kaatuvilai, Kanyakumari District, and Southern part of India to devout Hindu parents in the year 1956 on the 12th day of May. He was the fifth son to his parents. He heard about Jesus at a very young age while studying fifth standard. His thirst for Christ increased day by day and he was interested to know more about Jesus. In the year 1970, he was introduced to the Sunday school by a Godly sister. He began reading the New Testament which he received as a gift. At the age of 16, he accepted Christ as his saviour and he took water baptism.

Holy Ghost filled him with his powerful anointing and grace. He received the divine call from the Lord for full time ministry but he hesitated. In the year 1979, he was affected by a highly infectious disease. At the death bed, he committed his life for full time ministry. The Lord healed him. From 1981, he was into full time ministry. From 1981 – 1982, he was the head at Full Gospel Pentecostal church. Later, after finishing Bible college from 1982 – 1985, he ministered at Kounderpalayam. He married the woman of God, ThangaRuby and ministered at Mangarai FGPC. The Lord blessed him with two children. The Lord enabled him to head IPC. He ministered at Kanyakumari District in a place called palkal for seven years along with his family. The gospel of Christ was taken to many villages through crusades, revival meetings, and conferences. The Lord worked mightily.

He was transferred to IPC, Nagercoil Head church in the year 1991. The Lord blessed his ministry. But, in the year 1996, he faced many troubles through other pastors and his ministry was challenging. After making a tough decision, he left the church along with his family empty handed, keeping in mind the verse Paul quotes, “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” But, nothing could stop him from doing the ministry of God. The Lord’s hand was upon them, Hallelujah!.


Mrs. T. Thanga Ruby

The Lord enabled him to conduct New Year Service at Bakiyam Marriage Hall. He faced lots of financial stress. The Lord opened doors for ministry. We were allowed to conduct praise and worship, gospel meetings in Alpha school ground for five years. Many souls repented. In the year 2004, according to the will of God, the Lord helped us to establish and register his ministry under the name, “Hebron new Covenant Church.” To God be the Glory! Ministry was a blessing to many. Late Pastor Thangamony completed his post graduate theological degree from Hindustan Bible College, Chennai. Whatever he lost for the sake of Christ, the Lord gave it back with double fold blessing.

He was teaching at Kanchikode, Kirubasanam Bible College. Many branch churches were started in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. His only desire was to spread the gospel of Christ and save lost souls and lead them in the right path which leads to eternal heaven. He taught the principles of Bible with great fervour.One fine morning, he went to be with the Lord on 4th April 2012. Now, this ministry is taken care by his son Pastor T. Jenslin Samuel. He is blessed with a delightful family. He is ministering along with his mother Mrs. T. Thanga Ruby. God has blessed their church and branches which is spread all over the world. To God be the Glory!

Romans 3:5


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Late Pastor Thangamony,

He received the divine call from the Lord for full time ministry but he hesitated. In the year 1979, he was affected by a highly infectious disease. At the death bed, he committed his life for full time ministry. The Lord healed him. From 1981, he was into full time ministry.
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